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柜体: 镀铬钢,可旋转,高度可调,带气举提升机构

座位: 哑光彩色聚丙烯

Contemporary, functional and safe materials
To adorn our models with style and flawless efficiency and to offer quality and durability, we carefully select every type of material.

Straightforward prices, another reason to choose Scavolini
We are certain that the price is also another reason to choose Scavolini: talk to one of our dealers!

With Scavolini, 10 years of peace of mind and numerous advantages
When you buy a kitchen and/or living room you can enjoy the services Scavolini has dedicated to you: 24/7 comprehensive support with qualified professional technicians; guaranteed reliability.

Make your choice responsibly.
With Scavolini, you protect the environment.
Because Scavolini invests in sustainability.
Find out more about Scavolini Green Mind

The principles of Scavolini Green Mind

Use energy from renewable sources
Avoid wasting water
Reduce polluting emissions
Eliminate pollutants
Waste recycling
High energy efficiency of appliances
Use sustainable kitchen accessories
Zero-impact paper and printing
We are certified by the environmental management system